Cannot find ispaitingcompetition_bg subfolder inside /home/op011cch5dfe/public_html/ folder.
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1st & 3rd Position in Painting Competition
Department of Environmental Sciences of Govt. Degree College Bemina in collaboration with DEERS, J&K organised an Inter School Painting Competition (10+2 Level) on 30th May' 2019 in the campus of Degree College Bemina. The theme of the competition was to "Beat Air Pollution". In this competition all the esteemed and reputed institutions of the valley participated. Arooj Qureshi (Class 12th) and Salik Wani (Class 10th) bagged 1st and 3rd position respectively and both was felicitated with a trophy. The prize distribution ceremony was held on 4th June' 2019 at SKICC, Srinagar at 10:30 am.